
-Disclaimer for political affiliation and controversial topic

No man knows the day nor hour of Christs return? Matthew 24:36-44

  • Why did the disciples think it so important to preach the end is near when in reality it was 2020 years away?

We are to be aware of the Times and Seasons Matthew 24:32-35

  • Vision of the giant red moon


-Television vision of Trump

Was full of greed and wanted power prior to the election, God removed the hunger for the power and greed once in office

The Wall, border security or something else- God's view

  • Nehemiah 6  stirring spirit

NY passed a law that babies can be aborted at 9 months

  • Enemies agenda to abort this nations life, kill the prophets, stop the turning toward to God.

  • New York City is America's biggest and most important city for commerce, finance, advertising, etc. 

-Israel being divided, US is next—natural disaster; nations will take advantage of our chaotic state to put an end to the land and all who dwell in it

-Jared Kushner- chief advisor to Trump, behind the scenes, Dream


Why is America not mentioned by name in the Bible?

  1. God didn’t think it important enough?

  2. Perhaps He did we just don’t have eyes to see it?

  3. It is so greatly hated that God didn’t want it to have any honor in His Word?


The Lord came to me 4 years ago and told me to seal this word up until its time…

America is Babylon and the world will drink of the wine of her adultery…

  • Many will find this word hard to accept because who wants to believe that the very place they live in and call home, that was founded on liberty and peace can be Babylon

Babylon is a state of being it can be a place, environment, system or infrastructure

  • America is and has been luke-warm toward Jesus, freedom of religion is strange fire and has been tolerated until now- every commandment has been broken


  • Revelation 17  - 18

Nations have the capability to attack at a moment’s notice and destroy within a day, America currently has no defense

1. Deep Sea Water Port, Revelation 18:17-19

2. Top Financial/Military Power, Revelation 17:18

3. Babylon Must Have A Recognizable Mother Country, (verse 12) Jeremiah 50:4-16

    - Does the Lord mention a connection between the Chaldeans and America? Habakkuk 1:6-10

    - Chaldeans lived in southern Babylon and many succeeding kings over Babylon

4. National Symbols of US and UK in Daniel 7 ; the Lion Is England and the Eagle is America

Both countries are also pictured in Daniel 7 before and after America's destruction:

Daniel 7 is a depiction of the arising nations/conglomerate alliances of the end times


Daniel 7:4— The first [beast] was like a lion but had eagle’s wings. I continued watching until its wings were torn off. It was lifted up from the ground, set on its feet like a man, and given a human mind.


But America is so good look at the humanitarian efforts and food distribution to the world;

  • Luke 12:47-48


Reign of Babylonian Kingdoms Daniel 2:25-45

  1. Babylon

  2. Medo-Persia

  3. Greece

  4. Rome

  5. United States

Complete procession of kingdoms-- This tells us that there will not be another nation that comes after the USA before the rise of the Antichrist and that America will most certainly be destroyed and never heard from again



I have preserved 7000 that have not bowed their knee to balam, He has preserved a remnant and chosen people which are called His elect

144,000 Sealed—Revelation 7:1-4

Ripped $10 bill. were broken will we be accepted?


About The Author


SaintsArk is the official outreach of CHRISTCRADLE CHARITY FOUNDATION, INC.

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