

  1. Saints:

  2. Ark;

    1. Noah; The protective vessel that saw Noah, his family and one of every living creature through a baptism of torrential 40 day and night rains upon the earth.  

    2. Ark of the Covenant; The protective vessel of the covenanted contents of God: the 10 comandments (two tablets), Aarons staff that had budded and a golden pot containing a piece of manna from heaven given to sustain the Israelites in the desert

  3. All Consuming Fire

  4. Trial by Fire, Suffering & Tribulations

  5. Spiritual Growth & Development

  6. Leaving the old self behind, Crucifying Flesh

  7. Becoming His Dwelling Place, Image and Likeness

  8. The Great Commissioning

  9. Pressing on to the Mark of Perfection

  10. Look at the Lilies of the Field, He will Provide for you

  11. He does everything for His Good, He is your Security

  12. Ascension, Completely Sold out to Jesus and the Spirit/Complete Elimination of Self

In general, the fleur de lis represents the perfected Saint in combined unity and exacting agreement with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the three petals) as one. The angelic vapor represents the incense of the saints that rises up to GOD, both in their deeds done on earth and their complete and utter surrender unto self death and entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.

About The Author


SaintsArk is the official outreach of CHRISTCRADLE CHARITY FOUNDATION, INC.

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